No. 5446. Fieseler Fi 97 (D-IVIF)
Source unknown

Fieseler Fi 97

08/31/2007. Remarks by Johan Visschedijk: "In December 1933 the RLM ordered Fieseler to produce five aircraft for the 1934 FAI Challenge International de Tourisme (International Tourist Contest). The major aviation event was to stimulate progress in tourist aircraft development, performance, and quality, and took place between August 28 and September 16, in Warsaw, Poland.

The RLM also ordered five Klemm Kl 36 and five Messerschmitt Bf 108 for the contest. In the general classification the five Fieseler aircraft ranked 3rd, 9th, 12th, 13th (D-IVIF), and 16th. The Hirth HM 8 U power plant of D-IVIF consisted of two HM 60 four-cylinder in-line engines mounted on a common cranckshaft forming an eight-cylinder air-cooled inverted V-engine. D-IVIF was sold to the DVS of Berlin."

Created June 30, 2006