No. 9974. Mitsubishi Ohtori (J-BAAE c/n 1) "Nanshin-Go"
APS No. 918

Mitsubishi Ohtori

08/31/2010. Remarks by Johan Visschedijk: "The Ohtori (Phoenix) was a civilianized version of the Mitsubishi Ki-2 Army Type Light Bomber (developed from the Junkers S 36 and K 47) that was ordered by the national newspaper Asahi Shimbun. Registered J-BAAE and named Nanshin-Go, it made a number of promotion flights from 1936 to 1939, including the record-breaking 21 hr 36 min flight from Tachikawa, near Tokyo, Japan to Bangkok, Siam (presently Thailand) (3,063 mls, 4,930 km) in December 1936, and the ca. 5,779 mls (9,300 km) round-China flight in early 1939."

Created August 31, 2010