01/31/2009. Remarks by Johan Visschedijk: "Manufactured in 1985 and test flown in Germany as D-HDUW, the aircraft was registered in Canada to Government of Canada, DoT, at Ottawa, Ontario as C-GCHW on October 28, 1985. It is operated by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and its Special Operating Agency, the Canadian Coast Guard, in SAR and icebreaking support."
Looking through the MBB photos, Bill Walker reflects: "Found this picture of an old friend, Bo 105S CDN-BS-4, C-GCHW. The CDN in the designation refers to minor modifications to a standard "C" for Transport Canada approval, not visible in the photo. The B refers to the basic Allison engined models, while S refers to a lengthened cabin. The -4 is a set of minor modifications to permit operations at higher horsepower, and therefore at higher weights.
What is visible in the photo are several modifications that I helped test at MBB Canada (today Eurocopter Canada), way back in the last century. The inlet particle separator and wire strike cutters are Canadian developments, the emergency floats were a joint MBB Canada / MBB US development. The black antenna fairing under the tail boom came from Germany, and was known as "the canoe". The long white HF antenna out the front also came from Germany."