No. 10228. Nord NC.853G (F-WFSM c/n 66) SFATAT
Source unknown

Nord NC.853G

11/30/2010. Remarks by Johan Visschedijk: "Originally produced by the SNCAN (Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Nord) as one of 95 NC.853S aircraft for distribution to aero clubs by the SALS. Registered F-BFSM, this aircraft was subsequently converted to an NC.854S in August 1956, when the 80 hp Minie 4-DC.30 engine was replaced by a 65 hp Continental A65 engine. In May 1958 it was re-engined with a 90 hp Continental C90-12F, and hence became an NC.858S.

In 1964 the aircraft was delivered to SIPA (Société Industrielle pour l'Aéronautique) to be modified under a SFATAT (Service de la Formation Aéronautique, du Travail Aérien et des Transports, Department of Aviation Training, Labor and Air Transport) contract and redesignated NC.853G it was experimentally fitted with a voilure flottante (floating wing). Designed by André Gérard (hence the test bed was also known as AG 01), the new wing pivoted around two attachment points so that the fuselage datum line was always parallel to the ground.

Carrying the French 'Class B' marking F-WFSM, the NC.853G made its first flight on June 15, 1965 and was briefly tested. It was withdrawn from use in November 1968 and stored at St. Cyr in 1971. Its fate is unknown."

Created November 30, 2010