No. 10788. Edra Aeronáutica Super Petrel LS (24-7997)
Photographed at Clifton, Queensland, Australia, March 13, 2011, by Ian McDonell

Edra Aeronáutica Super Petrel LS

08/31/2011. Remarks by Johan Visschedijk: "This type has a history that goes back to the single-seat Hydroplum amphibian of 1983, designed and built by Claude Tisserand of Bastia, Corsica, France. It was followed by the side-by-side two-seat Hydroplum II, that first flew in 1986, and plans of the two were available to homebuilders. Tisserand formed Hydroplum s.à.r.l. (société à responsabilité limitée, Corporation) to modify the aircraft and to produce a kit of the Hydroplum II.

In 1988 SMAN (Societé Morbihannaise d'Aero Navigation) of Saint-Philibert, Normandy, acquired the design and a ready to fly aircraft, designated Pétrel, became available. In 1990, Edra Aeronáutica of Ipeúna, Brazil, acquired the manufacturing rights of the Petrel and in 1996 it also acquired the Pétrel design rights. The aircraft was completely redesigned and in 1997 marketed as the Paturi, further development led to the Super Pétrel in 2002 and the latest version appeared in 2008 as the Super Pétrel LS."

Created August 31, 2011