No. 12591. Gatard Statoplan AG 02 Poussin (F-PHUO c/n 01)
Photographed at La Roche Airport, Brive, France, by Henk Wadman

Gatard Statoplan AG 02 Poussin

09/30/2014. Remarks by Johan Visschedijk: "Albert Gatard of St. Jean d'Angely near Rochefort, France, developed a new control system for aeroplanes, named Statoplan. This involved the use of a variable incidence lifting tail plane of large area. Instead of altering the wing angle of attack to increase lift on the aircraft, the pilot lowers full-span slotted flaps and adjusts the tail plane to maintain pitching balance. In consequence, the aircraft climb with the fuselage incidence at no more than 4° to the horizontal, which preserves a good forward view and low body drag.

Over the years Gatard designed a number of aircraft (note the first two types were redesignated): Albert Gatard passed away on January 19, 1988, remarkably, all four aircraft built by Gatard are still registered.

The AG 02 was the basic model of which Gatard built the first two examples, both with a 24 hp VW1200 engine. The first flights took place in 1957 en 1960 respectively and one example was tested by the CEV (Centre d'Essais en Vol), resulting in the findings that 35 to 40 hp engines were best suited. Several aircraft were completed by amateur constructors under the AG 02 designation.
The AG 02CR was the designation for an aircraft built by Christian Raymond (hence the CR-suffix) with many modifications, such as a Jodel D18 landing gear, re-contoured fuselage lines, a refined wing of reduced span and fitted with a 40 to 45 hp VW1600 engine. This aircraft was first flown on July 13, 1988, and the reduced wingspan in combination with the more powerful engine resulted in an increased overall performance.
The AG 02Sp was an improved model available for amateur construction and suited engines up to 35 to 40 hp. This model had more rounded wing tips, a modified vertical tail, increased operating weights, inset ailerons and had limited aerobatic capabilities. Several were built in France.
The AG 02T was an aircraft with a tricycle type landing gear built by Georges Farrigoux (hence also referred to as the GF 02T. It was first flown in 1969, however, reportedly it was modified to become a standard AG 02 during the 1980s.

Gatard AG 02 Le Poussin
AG 02 Le Poussin (original) (F-WHUO) (Johan Visschedijk Collection)

In all, nine examples of the AG 02 were built in several versions. The first, the above pictured F-WHUO, was later modified, including a different engine, a revised sliding canopy and a larger tail, as shown in the photo on top of the page. F-PHUO had several owners, presently it is registered to Marcel Bonamico of La Garde."

Gatard AG 02 Poussin

Created September 30, 2014